A communication agency where all challenges get a strategy and a possibility to succeed. A space where real dreams connect tools and reality. A place where creative and skilled people connect themselves to set
the clients on their communicational awareness accelerator path.
#impossible #possibilities #awareness
90% of consumers rely on their peer recommendations to make purchasing decisions, while only 33% trust paid ads.
Having a professional marketing strategy increases by 50% the chance of successfully tracking ROI
84% of consumers take actions based on an influencer-generated post, compared to other forms of advertising.
74% of consumers make a purchase based on what they find on their social networks.
42% of consumers will tell about their positive experience with a brand, while 53% will rather spread the news about a negative experience.
57% of organizations work with a content marketing dedicated team.
92% of marketers indicate that social media is important for their business
B2B companies with blog content generate 67% more traffic to their website
People retain 70% more content through video
67% of B2B content marketers consider event marketing to be their most effective strategy
successful events use around 5 promotional methods to publicize the event
76% of marketers integrate event and experiential marketing actions within their marketing strategy
First impressions of a website are 94% design-related; 85% of B2B customers search the web before making a purchase decision; 75% users judge brand credibility based on website design
7 out of 10 Internet users are active on social media platforms; 9 out of 10 Romanian consumers use mobile devices to access social media. Customers spend up to 40% more with companies that engage with them over social media
Write us and we’ll tell about all the possibilities that lay beside you.
START by doing what’s necessary.
Then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
And so do we!